SKEW 2011
16 – 17 February 2011
Lyngby, Denmark
ECRYPT Workshop on Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric Key Encryption Workshop 2011

Paper Submission

The submission deadline has passed.


Submissions are to be made through the SKEW 2011 submission server. Please make sure that your submission fulfills the requirements described below.

The submission deadline is January 10, 2011.

In order to prevent submissions to SKEW 2011 from conflicting with submissions to forthcoming conferences with proceedings, SKEW 2011 will have no formal proceedings, but a conference record will be available.

The submission must be written in English and be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The length of the submission should be at most 14 pages excluding bibliography and appendices using single column with at least 11pt size font, reasonably sized margins and in total not more than 20 pages. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Submissions to SKEW 2011 should be submitted electronically in PDF format.

The authors of submitted papers guarantee that their paper will be presented at the workshop if their paper is accepted.

Recommended Submission Style

Electronic submissions to SKEW 2011 should be in Portable Document Format (PDF). The submission should preferably be in A4 paper size and use Type 1 fonts (rather than Type 3 fonts which usually look fuzzy and ugly when viewed on screen).

The following procedure is recommended for generating submissions.

Preparing the LaTeX file

To get 11 point fonts, reasonable margins and A4 paper, you obtain the llncs package and use the following two lines at the beginning of your LaTeX file:


You should not use any other command to set the margin and/or change the font. This LaTeX style will be used for the preproceedings. For the final proceedings, the maximum published length is 18 pages and the formatting should be done using the single line:


Generating PDF file with pdflatex

After using the above declaration, assuming that your paper is stored in the file paper.tex, it suffices to type the command:

$ pdflatex paper

This generates a file paper.pdf ready for submission. There are other, more complex, procedures to generate such PDF files. These alternative procedures are not recommended. If, for some reason, an alternative procedure is used, the resulting PDF file should be verified using the following commands:

$ pdfinfo paper.pdf
$ pdffonts paper.pdf

These two commands respectively print general information (including paper size) and font information.

Including graphics

To insert graphics into your PDF file, there are two different options:

  • Generate the graphics using a text description within LaTeX.
  • Include an externally generated graphics file.

First option

For the first option, authors should consider the PGF package. It can be used by including the following line in the LaTeX file:


The PGF package also offers several options for drawing arrows, diagrams and shadings. To use these options, replace the above line by:


Second option

To use externally generated graphics, a convenient method relies on the following package:


With this package, a PDF file drawing.pdf can be included using:


Authors should make sure that their externally generated graphics PDF files have a correct bounding box specification.